Perth Australia Mission

Monday, June 14, 2010


Mon, June 14, 2010 1:01:03 AM
Well that all sounds like some craziness. Not near as much happened here. Tuesday we drove up to perth for zone conference. We got a flat tire on the way up. We had a spare tire but the jack that was in the car didn't really work so we had to flag down some guy and ask if he had one and he did and we got that all settled. Then we got to perth, had zone conference, it really wasn't that great...that may have been my least good zone conference yet. Our zone did sing sweet hour of prayer for Pres. and Sis. Maurer. This is there last transfer so that was there last zone conference. I think Pres maurer leaves Wed. June 23 in the afternoon and then Pres. Cahoon gets in that night. Pres. Maurer is also coming down to Albany this friday for a fireside and to say goodbye to the branch.

Today we went on an 8 hour hike.It was part of this track called the bibbulmun track that runs along the west coast for like 1000+ kilometers. It starts somewhere north of perth and ends in albany and some people just walk the whole thing and it takes like 60ish days..of course we don't have that kind of time so we just did some of it.

So those boys were getting up to no good. Well i hope everythings all good. Did i ever mention those fireworks in my drawer like a few months back...i thought i did. and if i didn't then ya....the bottom right drawer is like stuffed to the brim with fireworks, ok maybe not to the brim but ya there is definitely some ish in there. Dad can use them...or anyone really and if not, then sweet. Also i forgot to check up on if the girls (Mele and Meliss) ever used those Best Buy gift cards which were worth a pretty least one of them. So did you guys use them? It might be past the date where if there is still money on there than it takes like $2 away every month...i dunno something like that.

haha Sis. Olman...she is funny. well it was only one picture i think so oh well.

Well i guess thats it for now. Mele thanks for writing. I'm sure you're going to do fine in school. Meliss congrats again. Jenn stop being a lazy bum and write me and take care everyone. Love you all.

Elder Salakielu

P.S. I heard that you can buy tim tams at walmart. Is that true? thats pretty gay if thats true.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Sun, June 6, 2010 4:18:23 PM

You guys sound super uber busy. What a crazy sunday it sounded like. I wish our sundays were that busy. There was a classic car race here in albany yesterday and it seems like 90% of the town was there. It wasn't really so much a race as it was classic and old fashioned fast cars just driving around a track in a straight line. The track actually was the main street of the city that they closed off and so we had to drive some crazy way around it just to get to church and all throughout the day we could here engines revving and what not.

Well meliss, this will be the last time i ever talk to you as my sister...from here on out you're dead to me! haha (nelson style) lol, tricked ya. I guess as mom said this is the last time i'll talk to you as a salakielu. I guess technically mothers day was the last time i talked to you as a salakielu but never you mind. anywho i'd give you some wise words of wisdom but i don't really have any but i'm sure you've been counseled to the max by the grand master counselor (dad) and i'll just second anything and everything he has said...amen. well congratulations and know that i love you and am happy for you and wish the best to you and teki and take care.

About my camera cable dealy i want to say i misplaced it but i think its lost now, so i guess both. it wouldn't be a big deal if these computers had sd slots but they don't so i just went and got a sd reader. Also we haven't gone to zone conference yet. We are going up to perth tomorrow (tues) and coming back friday, it should be good.

Still very slim pickins for baptismal candidates. there are a few people to visit and teach but not very many baptizable. we still maybe only have one potential baptism and he is pretty much a 50/50 right now. His name is adam plugg and he is a pretty cool guy and says he wants to get baptized but he is smoking at the moment and yeah....i guess its not very good to be pessimistic though so i'll just say he will get baptized.

Anywho you guys shouldn't be reading this you should be cleaning the bathroom, or vacuuming the family and living rooms, and mopping the floor, or cleaning something...since there is going to be like 50 bazillion people at the house. ok so maybe its only like 10 but oh well. Well send my love and greetings to all the family, and tell jessica congratulations for me and keep the bunnys under control and alive. I hope you all can survive this week and take care, love you all.

Elder Salakielu