Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Well another week come and gone. I say that like nothing happened...but in fact the greatest thing happened. Adam and Anahera Wairepo got baptized on saturday!!! God: 13 millionish + 2 Satan: 0....unfortunately thats a jk because really he is like 6 billionish...but that doesn't matter cause Adam and Ana got baptized! Saturday was a good day. the other elders had a baptism as well and then there was a hangi (still don't know how to spell it) after and there were a bunch of maori's from another ward and they got up and did a haka don't know which one exactly but it was one about the plan of salvation i think...don't ask me, i couldn't understand it. The spirit was really strong that day during the program and during the actual baptism. I also had to speak about the Holy Ghost and that went alright. Anyways this family is a miracle, how they were found, how receptive they were/are, and that they were baptized. The first time we went over there Adam didn't seem to interested at all and Ana was all like "lets go to church!" and he was all like "good luck," but he has been to church every sunday since. I love this family and they have been a great blessing and an example ( in addition to my many other blessings and you guys) as to why i am out here. Everytime we leave their home I leave wanting to be a better missionary, wanting to find more people and it doesn't matter how many "no's" there are, one "yes" is always worth it, and we've been blessed with three, and they are all proof to that.

So mary's baptism is this saturday, Feb. 20, 2010, at 11:00 am and she is still holding strong. It is really hard for her to make it to church because her daughter and her two grandchildren. Her daughter doesn't feel worthy to come back to church which is a shame because thats what church is for but we are working with her to go see bishop, which she wants to. Mary's two grandchildren are little troublemakers. Like last week we had to babysit the 11 yr. old at church and he was misbehaving and swearing up a storm. The 6 yr. old got glue and glitter on my pants yesterday which adds to the long list of other stuff she has done like sticking gum on my pants, spitting food on my arm, and spitting on my cheek/ear area...she's CRAZY!!!!!!!
So my camera is kind of pretty messed up. It has a hard time focusing and zooming in/out. It did have a bunch of sand in it but not anymore and for the most part it works but acts up from time to time. I'll also be paying that stupid parking ticket today say goodbye $100.

I got your Valentines day card (mom and dad....thanks everyone else....jkz). Thank you, it is always good to get mail....especially when it is unexpected. So it turns out that missionaries love stickers. So if you guys or anyone who reads this are sending any paper mail/envelopes my way just go ahead and include any cool stickers you may have come across. Also there's about 4 or 5 letters that i may be continually sending home for you to distribute throughout the states, i hope that is alright. Although i will need your help obtaining an address for one of those letters. There should be a business card for an Elder Spencer Richards in my room on my dresser serving in Virginia and that should have his address on that there is a good chance that it may or may not be there anymore though...check it out though and if you find it email it on over. It turns out business cards were a good idea. I thought about maybe getting some when he gave me his but was like nah....and then stupid elder hampson and every other missionary in the world had to have them as well and now i regret my poor judgement call. I guess i'll get some eventually.

Anywho I've come up with a little list of lollies (australian for candy....stupid aussies...jk i love them...cause i have to....jk cause i want to) anyways, candies that they don't have here. Reese's: check, along with every other chocolate mixed with peanut butter candy, like peanut butter eminems. They don't have airheads or big hunks or corn nuts and that i know because i had them left over from the mtc and since i haven't served with or been around an american the other missionaries where like whoa what are those. Also they don't have twizzlers or jolley ranchers and that is my amazing list so far. I mention this just for future reference and for something to think about when sending something next time. I know the box isn't very big either so its not like you have to include all those, but anythings good, just something to give to little kids.

Well that is my amazing letter for this week, full of amazing, incredible, entertaining information. I haven't mentioned anyone specific in these letters for a while and group the whole family into one conglomerate and have mom be the representative and althoug i don't mention you all i do think of you all and love and miss all of you, Mom, Dad, Randy, Meliss, Jenn, and Mele, and Nia and Noa and Jared and Carson as well. I love you all.

Elder Salakielu

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