Perth Australia Mission

Monday, April 26, 2010


Ok yeah so we didn't email yesterday because it was a public holiday...again. It was anzac day on sunday which i think celebrates when the first ships left to go fight in world war I, i think, or something like that. It was also the first dawn church service in either WA or Australia. So that was on sunday and then monday is just a public holiday to give people a day off since the actual holiday was on sunday.

but the "yay" in the subject line is there cause we got to see conference on saturday and sunday. we started the saturday sessions at 12 with only an hour break in between (which the branch president took us out for lunch and then a snack during those breaks) and so it felt like 8 hrs of conference straight but it sure was good. and then on sunday we started at 10 and finished at about 2:30 and haha oh man the branch president was just lying asleep on the floor by the end of it, it was funny. He is one of the funniest guys ever. he's pretty cool. but like on saturday there weren't very many people in the chapel just like the branch presidency and their wives and then us, and a senior missionary couple (we found out last week that the mission president was going to send down a senior couple and we didn't know what that meant for us cause like a year and a half ago there only used to be a senior couple down here and we didn't know if that meant we were going to get transferred and it was pretty funny cause we were freaking out but it looks like we'll be staying for the time being) but back to conference, so later one like 4-5 people showed up for the saturday sessions and then there was only like 8-9 of us for priesthood and then sunday there was about 15-20 people, which is quite a bit less than a normal sunday. Anywho this new senior couple (they're from queensland by the way, Elder and Sister Orth) is mostly going to work with the branch and the less active and part member couples in the branch and a bit of proselyting while we can now completely focus on finding new people to teach because that is what we are really struggling with right now is finding people. We only really have like 3 consistent but not necessarily progressing investigators. but the zone leaders are coming tonight on a 6 hour bus ride for exchanges so we could really use their help. Then we have zone conference on friday in bunbury which is the zone leaders area so we'll drive them back and stay with them on thursday. then stay in bridgetown friday night and come back saturday...pretty busy week.

before i forget, tell grandma and grandpa that i've got their letters and sorry that i haven't written back to them yet but i'm getting to it.

Jenn thanks for the update...all i have to say to you is keep it real.

AHHH i almost forgot to mention that i got the package and letter from austin and thank you thank you thank you again as always it is mucho appreciated. I did send a letter to utah but seems like you might miss it. And why doesn't cody email? i much prefer to email than write letters. Good to hear it is warm and sunny there. It is pretty dang cold here in albany and its only going to get colder cause its only fall, ahhh!

Well just about out of time and sorry i haven't written you back yet dad but thanks for writing and for the info and encouragement and updates (especially with the jazz). but I love you all and hope you all take care.

Elder Salakielu

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