Perth Australia Mission

Monday, May 31, 2010


Well sorry this email is late. We are emailing in the evening because we went hiking earlier today. We went out to a place called Bald Head its this peninsula that sticks out of the south and at the end there is nothing there between you and antarctica. Also at the end of it there is a pile of rocks and in the pile of rocks there is this plastic box and in that there is a little notebook that you write your name in and stuff and so we wrote our names in it. We went with a member of the branch and altogether it took about 5-5.5 hours. So thats why we didn't email earlier and then we had an appointment with this guy whose wife is inactive but that fell through and so we are going back next monday. Then we went shopping and now emailing. I would upload the pictures but i don't have a way of connecting my camera to the computer. I can't find the usb cord for it and the computer doesn't have an sd card another time.

Also the branch had a branch activity on saturday that was put on by the primary, even though there are only like 5 primary kids in the branch. But it was a western night hoe down. There was singing, dancing, and bbq and fried chicken and fries and it was pretty fun. There was actually a really good turnout of people. There were a lot of inactive families and even quite a few nonmembers there. It was really good, the hard part is now to get them to church, which none of them really came yesterday. We also went to a funeral yesterday. The funeral was of a member who lived out in Denmark which is like half an hour away and she was like 80 and she couldn't really get to church so i've never seen her before but Elder Orth (the Senior Couple) was her hometeacher so we went with them.

well only 11 more days meliss....crazy sauce eh? Jenn thanks for writing me a completely and utterly useless jk it was quite nice, thank you. Mele still lame as usual i see...not jk...

Well not much else to write about. hopefully some things will be happening this week. There is zone conference next week, and our area actually switched zones so now we are in a city zone so we actually will be going to perth and city zone conferences are with two zones combined at a time and i'm pretty sure Elder Rockwood is in the other zone so i'll probably see him there. You probably didn't understand any of that zone business but if you really care just ask and i'll explain it better next time. well thats all for now i guess. Take care everyone, and i love yous all.

Elder Salakielu

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hello everybody (Dr. Nick style...from the simpsons if you're too lame to know what that's from). Well i thought i mentioned what happened with transfers last week but i guess i didn't but i'm a thousand percent positive, in fact we can all go back and look at the email...but i guess you just don't read my emails, so thanks a lot...jk last weeks wasn't even worth reading it was like 3 lines long. but it did mention that me and Elder Wilkey are still in Albany, and pretty much nothing else.

So you cleaned randy's room that is craziness, i never thought i'd see the day. That is quite the feat. So...I see my ipod isn't in the ihome...nah jk. the real challenge is the other room which is all kinds of crazy. That is awesome to hear nia passed her exam and is making her way on up. and oh well about the cardboard cut out...but you guys still have to take a lot of pictures and maybe some videoness. Well good luck with cleaning and continual wedding preparations.

Things here are alright, but i think i jinxed myself when i said that things were picking up. or they really were and so satan was all like i can't have any of this so he just did what he does best and made things harder. Appointments dropped left and right along with investigators. We invited this woman, Alina, to be baptized and she got pretty offended and is all anti for the time being, so we won't go visit her for a while. then there was roy who is like 80 yrs old and we taught him 2 lessons and he was falling asleep during them and then he told us we were wasting out time. Then there was a young couple who decided to go on vacation for a few months...and then we're having trouble with someone quitting smoking and paying tithing. For the time being we only have 1-2 possible real teachable people. One of them is like late 20's and he is filipino but we just can't ever catch him home...or awake. So maybe he isn't actually all that teachable. But we do have some referrals to go and see so hopefully we'll have luck with that. But that just means we have to work and try harder and pray and fast. but there is a branch activity this saturday which actually is supposed to be having a lot of non members come. So we'll see how that goes.

Well thanks for the emails, good luck once again, and take care. Love you guys.

Elder Salakielu

P.S. added some pictures of a few things. One of them is in front of some church back in merriwa with a pretty hypocritical least hypocritical for them. and then the rest of the pics are here in albany....a frog we caught and then got loose in the apartment, the windmill farm (produces up to like 75% of albany's power) and then pics of the Brig Amity, a replica of the first ship to land in WA in Albany in like 1826...sweet...well see ya later, love ya.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

No Subject

well hello familia. it is the start of another transfer and i'm still in albany with elder wilkey. Our zone though is having 6 transfers so thats like half of our zone being transferred. we'll find that out later today, but won't even see them until zone conference in like a month.

well thanks meliss and jenn and mom and dad for writing. and thanks for the pics. even though the one you didn't include was the only one i asked for lol. they were still nice thank you. lol about the high voltage pic...LAME...jk. and i have not been late with checking emails. We just don't have day light savings here so it just seems like i've been late but really its just normal.

This past week was not so good. we had like 50 million appointments fall through..ok maybe not that many, but quite a few. Well things sound all crazy and busy back home so i won't bother you with anymore emailness. Love you guys, take care.

Elder Salakielu

Monday, May 10, 2010


ok so it was very good to talk to yalls today (jk i'm not from texas). and you are very welcome for the mothers day card mom...its all true and its the least i could do for all the many wonderful things you have done for me.

I remembered one of the things i forgot to say. its nothing that great so don't get excited. its just about how we were walking past this church yesterday (the free reformed church) and there were so many cars there. like just as many cars as the ward at sandy if not more. I was pretty surprised...and mighty saddened. but i guess good for them, that is the most aussies i've seen at any church yet.

Jenn thanks for the email as usual. you've just gained popularity status over dad this week...jk he's been busy with crane tests and providing for our family and what not, and plus he's written alot more times than you...but still thank you. your email did make me laugh quite a bit though.

Also already forgot the elder coming in that worked with laurie....what was his name?

work really is picking up here we got a call from a less active who is actually a pretty good member but just doesn't come to church, but she called us to tell us that she has a nonmember friend who wants to come to church. But in an email or two back you said that you always keep our work in your prayers and that just really stands out in my mind and that it really does help an the Lord hears our prayers and it makes a difference so thank you. Love you all and take care.

Elder Salakielu

Sunday, May 2, 2010

another week another pday. Last week was zone conference and i'd have to say that that was one of the best zone conferences yet, even though it was only my 4th one...but it was really good, and there was a greater outpouring of the spirit. it was a good recharge to those spiritual batteries.

Anywho we are back in Albany now and work is picking up we may possibly have 3-4 new people (thank you for your prayers) to teach and have made some progress with one of the people we have already been working with, its not very much but its progress none the less. her name is Marlain and she is like 60-70ish and is retired and lives off of pension and is afraid to pay tithing, and she said that that is the only thing keeping her back. We've prayed and fasted for her and hopefully we can help her to let the Lord help her.

That is great to hear about Jonathan Slack and that he has been called to labor in new mexico. My district leader in the mtc was from alberquque (?) new mexico...good ol elder sloan. he is in riverside california. Anyways tell Jonathan good luck, even though you probably won't be in sandy for 2 weeks. I'd give him advice but it wouldn't be anything new. Do you know when he leaves?

Time is going pretty fast, only one more month until the big day for meliss. sounds like things have been pretty busy and hectic with the planning and picturing and what not...but girls love that kind of stuff...i oh well. But i am looking forward to getting the announcement.

Jenn...(head shake of shame)...i'm deeply disappointed in you.

So my camera is slightly broken again which is a shame cause we went on this tree top walk thing and it was pretty cool but didn't get any pictures cause my camera is brokeny. but there is a guy in the branch who i think can fix it...Danny powell...he is awesome. also i would put up some new pics from before it went brokeny but i couldn't find the cable, so next time.

So i found out what anzac day is, it is to celebrate when 30,000 troops left from albany to go to Gallipoli in 1914 for guys probably don't care though.

Also me and Elder Wilkey found out that we are 19th cousins through Baron Roger De Grey. We could be cousins earlier but we don't know, also we heard that everyone is at the most 26th cousins don't know if thats true or not but whatevs.

Ok now to get serious. So we were tracting and we tracted into this lady who used to be on pretty good terms with missionaries but haven't really talked to any for a while. But one missionary she was pretty close, after finishing sent her his wedding announcement and this was like way back in 1999. anywho his name was like brandon or brendon savage, and who he was marrying her last name was seely. the reason i bring this up is cause they were from montana. Now either my mind is playing tricks on me or those names are ringing some very small bells...i dunno, i think i actually might just be crazy. Are they familiar to you at all?

And what time should i call? i was thinking that i was going to call monday morning which would be like sunday afternoon/evening. if your in hawaii church starts at 1 doesn't it? Well i probably should've asked all this last week so that i could actually check before it gets to be mother's day. but its the same dealy where its 2 days before and after and then the day of i can call so whatevs.

Well it was good to hear from you all and thank you for writing. Thank you for the prayers and i pray for you all as well. i hope all is well and that you take care. Love you all and talk to you next literally talk, and not just email. love ya.

Elder Salakielu

p.s. haha jenn you thought that that was all i was going to write about you. but seriously...haha. but double seriously you should be ashamed of yourself. only going to 2 hours of church and then not wanting to introduce yourself. shame....jk, but seriously. also could you send that pic of randy somehow, maybe just like scan it and email it or somethin...that'd be swell. thanks love ya.