Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hello everybody (Dr. Nick style...from the simpsons if you're too lame to know what that's from). Well i thought i mentioned what happened with transfers last week but i guess i didn't but i'm a thousand percent positive, in fact we can all go back and look at the email...but i guess you just don't read my emails, so thanks a lot...jk last weeks wasn't even worth reading it was like 3 lines long. but it did mention that me and Elder Wilkey are still in Albany, and pretty much nothing else.

So you cleaned randy's room that is craziness, i never thought i'd see the day. That is quite the feat. So...I see my ipod isn't in the ihome...nah jk. the real challenge is the other room which is all kinds of crazy. That is awesome to hear nia passed her exam and is making her way on up. and oh well about the cardboard cut out...but you guys still have to take a lot of pictures and maybe some videoness. Well good luck with cleaning and continual wedding preparations.

Things here are alright, but i think i jinxed myself when i said that things were picking up. or they really were and so satan was all like i can't have any of this so he just did what he does best and made things harder. Appointments dropped left and right along with investigators. We invited this woman, Alina, to be baptized and she got pretty offended and is all anti for the time being, so we won't go visit her for a while. then there was roy who is like 80 yrs old and we taught him 2 lessons and he was falling asleep during them and then he told us we were wasting out time. Then there was a young couple who decided to go on vacation for a few months...and then we're having trouble with someone quitting smoking and paying tithing. For the time being we only have 1-2 possible real teachable people. One of them is like late 20's and he is filipino but we just can't ever catch him home...or awake. So maybe he isn't actually all that teachable. But we do have some referrals to go and see so hopefully we'll have luck with that. But that just means we have to work and try harder and pray and fast. but there is a branch activity this saturday which actually is supposed to be having a lot of non members come. So we'll see how that goes.

Well thanks for the emails, good luck once again, and take care. Love you guys.

Elder Salakielu

P.S. added some pictures of a few things. One of them is in front of some church back in merriwa with a pretty hypocritical least hypocritical for them. and then the rest of the pics are here in albany....a frog we caught and then got loose in the apartment, the windmill farm (produces up to like 75% of albany's power) and then pics of the Brig Amity, a replica of the first ship to land in WA in Albany in like 1826...sweet...well see ya later, love ya.

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