Perth Australia Mission

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Week 2...i guess. well today (wed) is our pday this week instead of monday cause today is our temple day. we get to go to the temple once a transfer and so that is today. but yeah i opened up myldsmail and there was just like 10 new emails, which is awesome but i hope i can remember everything you guys said and asked. also i'm probably gonna always just write mom and dad...sorry meliss...and teki...but i'll hopefully address anything you guys say. Meliss yes i did get your email and i guess i didn't have anything to say about. i hope arizona was fun and its sounds like meles team is pretty good and that tekis team is da bombzz (jk) but really they sound good. there was an elder who was here before me who snapped his achilles tendon cause he was playing rugby and he went home to recover but is coming back so yeah. thanks for the advice teki, tracting is fun and gay at the same time especially when the people are rude cause its funny but at the same time its like you don't even know what your missing. and my hair is fine now...i think i told you last week but yeah its all good.Sounds like your birthday was good mom and hope you had a good time. I actually didn't remember it was your birthday until the night of the 12th but thats ok my body clock recognized that it really wasn't your birthday yet cuase it was only the 11th. I did get carsons email which was funny cause he said he hoped i could visit...yeah visit him in two jk tell him i love him.
As for the area i don't know i'm still trying to figure out which city i am in cause i think the actually city is the city of Wanneroo but like they divide everything up into like suburbs so if you want to know which area from the city someone is thats how you find out cause they don't really divide the streets in to north/south and east/west all the streets are just names. but the actually mission area is called merriwa which is just a suburb of wanneroo i think and the zone is warwick zone. So the ward is merriwa ward and the other missionaries in the area are in the mindarie ward and together we are the merriwa district. but the ward boundaries are huge compared to home but normal to most of the other wards and small to some of the country boundaries. like the ward boundaries are like 20 times bigger than our stake boundary in utah. but really there are only like 5 or 6 stakes in all of western australia, and the stake i'm in is made up of like 5 or 6 wards but have a good amount of people in them. so most areas in the mission are within about an hour or an hour and an half of the city and so thats where most of the missionaries are but there are a few areas that are like hours away and are just in the middle of no where and just have like no members and only 1 set of missionaries, some of them are broome, kalgoorlie(i don't know if there is a "R" in it or not), esprints (not how its actually spelled, but its on the southern coast), and geraldton if you wanted to look those up. i don't know the name of the park but its way huge and just like 2 inches away. i'll let you know next time. but i'm pretty sure you can send anything to the mission office
Perth Australia Mission
PO BOX 185
Tuart Hill WA 6939
but you can send stuff to my actual address but i dunno if thats so good cause of transfers and stuff and we aren't there most of the day. but i have 5 min left before the computer logs me off so i'm gonna try and hurry. christmas i can call on two days before, on christmas, and two days after christmas so let me know if there is a better time than when you told me (the afternoon here time). and i'll get to check email one more time before christmas so if there is better let me know. shopping is fine food is fine except for beef tastes a little different but oh well i'll tell you more next week cause 3 min left. but we have a washer in the flat but most missionary flats don't have a dryer. we do cause we got one of the side of the road. its spring cleaning and everying is just throwing stuff out including dryers. and the other missionaries up the street just recently found a good one too. but had to find out about 6 or 7 broken dryers in total before we got the two good ones. well i didn't talk much about the work and i don't have any more time (1 min left). but i'll talk more about that next week. tell dad i'm sorry i didn't get to write him and that i like his letters and that i love him and i love all of you bye.Elder Salakielu

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