Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, December 20, 2009

well the way the computers work at the library is that once you log on you have exactly one hour to email and stuff but surprisingly i've needed every minute every time. the mission rule however is your supposed to be only allowed like 45 min but it doesn't really least to our district. i get mail about once a week sometimes more, but we are about an hour away from the mission office so one time the zone leaders brought it to us and two other times it was cause we went to the mission office, and the other time cause we went to the temple. the mission office and the temple are right next to each other and there is a stake center right next to them as well. so thats how my mail process has been going. so speaking of which i got a package which contained the photo album and mini christmas tree and cheesecake mix and a mad amount of reeses and shirt and i love all of it thank you for sending it. and i was thinking how i didn't have any pictures from home and i thought that was really gay and especially how i didn't take pictures on my camera but its all good now that was perfect thank you so mucho. Since elder hamspon is district leader we have a cell phone and can use that to call home with a calling card so i can call anytime. i guess i should probably choose a time huh...well i guess i'll either call christmas eve there or christmas there and see how that goes.
The park right next to our flat is Dalvik park, we live right on the corner of blue mountain link road so yeah.But that brings up a good point...the work. The work is pretty hard and frustrating sometimes. especially with trying to work during this christmas season. but there was some stuff that i wanted to say last week but forgot. i guess there is really only actually about 4-5 investigators we are working with one of those being a family i don't know if i told you about them. they are a philipino family and the dad doesn't want to be baptized the rest of the family wants to and would if he would but he doesn't so that is gay. Oh yeah and we went to a baptism on saturday where elder hampson baptized two people from one of his previous areas and they wanted him to do that so we got to drive through the actual city part of perth with like the skyscrapers and all. surprisingly that was the first time on his mission that he performed the actual baptism, because he is a really good missionary and has been out for a while. also his family is pretty dang awesome cause they sent me a christmas package, nothin too big but just fun little things.Oh yeah so basically i only eat actual meals when we eat at a members houses. other than that i eat sandwiches, cereals, chicken burgers, fruit, yogurt, candy, and timtams. we don't eat out too much, but burger king is called hungry jacks here.
You can tell the ward that i got the package with all their letters and thank them for me i appreciate all they said and it was pretty uplifting i'll try and write something for them and the priests quorum sometime. you can also tell Austin Nielson that Elder Petricevich (pronounced peh-true-sih-vich if you couldn't tell) is in my district, thats who we share the car with and we see them pretty much everyday and hes pretty funny, but him and austin were companions for like 4 days he said, not cause they hated each other but because it was like a weird time inbetween transfers and austin was waiting for his new trainee to come in but didn't get in til like 4 days so thats pretty cool that they knew each other.But i guess thats about it for now, i love you guys i hope you all have fun in florida and disneyworld and i hope the rabbits are gonna get taken care of and also take plenty of pics so i can see when i get back.
Love you all Elder Salakielu

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