Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Sun, November 7, 2010 erklegrew
From: Reed Salakielu

ok huzzah! so my new companion is Elder Takuira. He is from over east, new south wales to be exact...newcastle area to be even exacter. He is full maori but has grown up in australia. he has been out about 5 months now and we just got doubled into our new area which is Booragoon, pretty funny name i know but thats what its called. so there were elders in the area and then sisters in another area had a fight and basically switched areas so there were sisters just before we came in, but one of them finished last transfer and the other got sent home cause she pulled a runner and so there was no one here for like a week and now its back to elders. the area is pretty massive. we cover like 10 suburbs, but we do have fremantle in our area which is pretty cool its like some massive port/docking area, and its home to perths AFL team the fremantle dockers. anywho the ward is pretty small. there was maybe like 60-70 people there yesterday...and of course they are all seriously old. An old woman even had like a minor stroke during sacrament yesterday. she's all good now but it was pretty crazy. they may be old but they aren't like dianella. they are much better. but there are a whole bunch of less actives as well. So we have our work cut out for us.

Well it is sad to hear about Fa. I don't even remember the last time i saw her. was she at soana's wedding...probably. Well the Lord knows best right. I'm actually sad that i won't be able to be there and see all the family. I guess tell everyone i send my love..

That sounds like a crazy story about the truck...i didn't know you guys still even used it. i thought it was just chilling this whole time. and thats junk about the lawn mower. did you find/fix the problem?

ok wow well my mind is like totally and completely blank and i'm just like drained and well this doesn't seem like much of an email since recent ones seemed like they were massive. oh man and i still have to email president...ughh. well good luck with moving dad and all the funeral plans. Jenn i'm glad you're not going to jail for vehicular manslaughter and meliss maybe you should go get cryogenically frozen for 7 months and then things will be perfect, oh and about cod...really? are there any other games at all? cause if so it would be with those and if its not it probably did get knicked. Well take care and love you all.

elder salakielu

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