Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, October 31, 2010

praise allah!!!

Sun, October 31, 2010 praise allah!!!
From: Reed Salakielu


ok maybe thats a little sacrilegious...but i didn't capitalize it on purpose. I guess i should be shouting Hosanna. But all this rejoicing comes from getting transferred. Don't know where i'm going yet. I'll find that out on wed. but this ward...i just don't know. maybe i shouldn't be so happy to leave...but then again you can't argue with the Lord's But with that said it was the Lord's will that put me here in the first place and i've definitely learned a thing or two. But the ward is just kind of i guess just dulled to helping people cause they don't think people can change. there are like 200-300 names/families on the ward list but only like maybe 100-125 people consistently come and its been like that for years and years and years and so they kind of just accepted that all those less actives won't come so...i dunno. its not really that the ward is poor, most of them are quite well off, and its the ones that aren't that seem to help the most, like this guy who doesn't have a job always gives investigators a ride when we ask him. But man you guys all have good advice, now i can lay the smackdown on them. anywho we'll see what is in store for me this next transfer. oh yeah and also in australia just in general people don't really know their neighbors nor do they care to get to know them...its insane.

ok so this is like information overload, i'm gonna have to start emailing dad style with just like bullet points. ok well he only does that sometimes at the end of his emails.

So yes meh is from the simpson...good ol simpsons, homer would always say it when something like pretty serious is happening. Like Marge would yell "HOMER THE CAR IS ON FIRE!!!" and he would just be all like "meh" funny as is the conundrum with the color and font changing computer lol. oh yes and the smores oh man...its was pretty much a halloween miracle. i would say christmas but halloween was closer. I got the package on thursday and that was like a world record or something...6 days it got here. and the day it got here we had a dinner appointment with the couple that we tried making the fake smores with last time and so we totally redeemed America. oh man they were so good. and then we finished them off in district meeting the next day cause it was one of the elders birthdays. and i was meaning to take pictures but forgot. and then on saturday we had the ward trunk or treat and that was pretty good. a good mix of members and them bringing their nonmember friends. We decorated the assistants van, the toyota tarago, with christmas trees and christmas lights...for some reason there wasn't a limit to just halloween themes. so that was sweet. also i did dress up for halloween, there is a picture attached.

Devin should be getting back soon shouldn't he? oh and dallin yeah we heard about that carbon monoxide poisoning thats crazy he went to that area. but yeah like a week after that happened the mission office sent out carbon monoxide detectors to all the apartments and one of the companionships in our district had to go live with some other elders cause their place had a gas leak.

Dad sometimes lets me know whats up and writes about the government but yeah...i dunno. also i guess the prophecy is that it will get bad and the american government will be crazy close to falling apart and that the constitution will hang by a thread but, that it will recover. so thats my excuse for not caring. i guess that should be my excuse to care. that although the problem will be solved it won't just magically fix itself...theres going to have to be people behind it to do the fixing. We'll see how it goes.

Also mele, you should be glad that you don't know my last companion. he got in this huge argument (not a contentious one) about how we should get married and have kids as soon as we can. see the other missionary was all like no i don't want kids i still have to go to school and i want to travel with my wife and a bunch of stuff and elder beck was just pretty much going crazy about how we are commanded to get married and have kids and was just all like the sooner the better...but then again he got mad at me for doing laundry on maybe he could be crazy....but no he is not cause even the prophets say it, the marriage part not the laundry part. and one of the senior sisters that works in the office is in our district and so they come to our district meetings and she was sharing her experiences one time that before she came here she didn't understand marriage and that she never wanted to get married and that she would be perfectly content with just being an administering angel instead of getting into the celestial kingdom (yes i know, weird) but now she understands the concept of marriage and she said that she wished her companion was a man so she could marry her (yes, weird again)...So to sum it all up...get married. No but really, just go with the flow...the flow of the Spirit! (oh snap). also i know what you mean about feeling like there are all these things you want to do but not enough time, ever since you brought up the peace corp back in like whenever that was when i started byu i thought about that but 2 years...thats a pretty long time. i guess that'll have to be put on the back burners.

And gracias meliss for the pictures. Lil meki/telissa seems to be coming along quite nicely...keep up the good work. don't get too fat, jk. my vote goes towards a boy. see if he is a boy he is going to probably be crazy good at everything, probably especially rugby. and if shes a girl probably all she'll be is pretty...cause i mean come on, where's she going to learn to jk thats so sexist. i'm sure that no matter what your child that you've been blessed with by the good grace of God will be amazing. (good come back eh). oh and please oh please don't name him or her anything near to frederick. what. the. heck? lol. crazy jared.

Well i'm pretty all emailed out for now. my library clock counter is just about depleted. but i love you all. Tell Fa that i love her as well and that i'll keep her in my prayers. thats pretty sad to hear about, but its all in the Lord's hands. Love you all again and take care.

Elder Salakielu

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