Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Sun, October 10, 2010 HALLOA!!!
From: Reed Salakielu


REALLY!?! after watching conference now i'm surprised that nobody took a jab at me with video games...cause i mean lets be honest...i played a lot ( and i mean a lot) of halo and definitely looking back it was far too much. And that was just halo. well i'll talk more about conference in like 2 paragraphs.

ok well what to write about what to write about. Last week we pretty much dominated in was kind of sad. and no i did not find out where in hawaii they are from. But today the zone leaders setup another challenge with members for us and we will be playing basketball, which i'm not the biggest fan of playing. oh yeah and that's sent 2 people to the hospital that is how ridiculous it that guy is gonna get sued sometime.

so conference was really good. between saturday morning and afternoon session we just ate at our flat and then between afternoon and priesthood session since there were like 7 sets of missionaries in our area we all went tracting en mass (like jehovah's witness....but not really we weren't all on the same street like stupid jehovah's witnesses) for the hour and got like 4 new investigators. and then on sunday between sessions there was a potluck they kind of did feed us. anywho what i got out of general conference mostly was it was heavily focused on agency and how we use it and to not just stay away from the bad stuff but to use our time wisely and not to just make a good choice but the best choice.

ok well i better get started with the Johan story if i'm going to tell it. ok so our first encounter with Johan is we go to drop off a finding faith in christ dvd because he ordered one from a pass along card he found on the ground. So we go to his house and talk to him and he is always kind of like jumpy and jittery and strung out, whether he is actually high on something or not, but i think that comes from the years of drug use cause thats what we learn from him that first visit, that he's been on drugs and drinks and smokes and is in like a gang and gets in like big gang fights and hes talking about micronesians against indonesians against asians and all this crazy stuff (he's indonesian by the way), but he tells us that he doesn't want to live like this anymore and that he loves Jesus and God and that Jesus saved him and that he wants to change. so we tell him we can help, give him the dvd and set up a return appointment. We come back and teach him the first lesson give him a BOM and invite him to be baptized. He says he definitely will read the BOM and be baptized but there is something he has to do first....That he has to get revenge cause some people beat up his brother...that he can't live with this dishonor in his family....but after he gets his revenge he'll definitely be sweet and change. So we're like uhhh...ok....will you come to church this sunday (this was on a friday) and he says yes. So we meet him sunday morning and walk to church with him and although normally jumpy and jittery he seemed especially more so this time and he's asking us if he can get baptized, asking if there is like a priest he can talk to at church cause he did something really bad and we were just like ya you'll be sweet. anyways so we go to church and stuff and he just listens to his mp3 player...and we're just like great...anyways church ends and we all go home. Come monday we see in a newspaper that a guy was stabbed to death at the bottom of our area on saturday in the night before sunday...when we walked to church with a drug using gang member...who was seeking revenge on somebody...and asked to talk to a priest cause he did something really bad....i think we can all do the math.....

anywho that is the epic tale of Johan Mouritz possible murderer. That was a while ago and we still see him from time to time so he could be clean. Also Rose, the lady from egypt, dropped us this morning pretty much doesn't wanna hear any of it...feel used....but whatever.

Jennifer Potter and the half blood princess thats what your name should be, seeing as how you are the master of botany and should brew up some special potions to cure cancer or something, or maybe the one that can fix broken bones (or is that a spell?). anywho i don't think you give enough credit to yourself, you make it sound like you have no idea what is going on at all but clearly you obviously have some idea or else you wouldn't be doing so amazingly well. (lol there is this guy sitting next to me and he is getting mad at the computer cause it just bugged out on him and he reminds me of dad and he is all confused and doesn't know what to do and is getting frustrated). but maybe its just a tactic of yours what i used sometimes was tricking myself into thinking i didn't know anything and was going to do bad so when i did good it was a delightful surprise, and if i did bad then it was that disappointing...ahhh aiming low...the best, its pretty much a win win situation until that is you see how or where you could actually be if you aimed high, at that point it becomes an all around loss. well thats my 89th section of the doctrine and covenants for this actually has nothing to do with the body but the mind.

Meliss....not giving me alot to work with but still good to hear from ya. Ultrasound stuff sounds pretty exciting. A couple in the ward who just had a baby a few weeks ago showed us some pretty funny ultrasound pics of their baby....well keep up the good work.

Mele that is good conference answered questions they usually do. Dallin H. Oaks talk about lines of communication answered some of mine it was pretty good. The last day of transfers is on halloween...which stupid aussies don't celebrate...but i really hope i get transferred then this will be my 3rd one here (18 weeks) but i dunno whats gonna happen. my new comp whose its his 1st transfer in the area has been talking it up to the assistants how he hates this area and wants to get out of here so i'm gonna be really mad if he goes and i stay...but whatever.

oh yeah forgot to mention that we are also going to sizzlers today after basketball cause there our like 5 of us from our intake in our district (including one of the zone leaders) and its our 11th month mark today....not that anybody is counting.

also i do have some requests if you be sending a christmas package...first and foremost...poptarts. they don't have them here, not that i've seen anyways and i've been missing them lately, any flavors i guess but at least the purple ones and brown sugar. Maybe some more of that sustain sport drink mix. I actually am going to look while shopping today if they have something similar to it which i'm sure they do but don't know which one i'll like more. and also if they come out in stores in time some starburst candy canes...thats not a very high priority but yeah...also maybe a tie...also not a high priority and if so NOT a christmasy one. i dunno thats what i can think of right now, if i think of anything i'll let you know. But i have been craving taro pies from hawaii McDonalds. there is an elder here from the cook islands who worked in hawaii before coming out and one of the zone leaders has family in hawaii and went to UH and so we always talk about hawaii and he mentioned zippys one time and i got pretty trunky cause we would always go to zippys straight from the airport once getting there. well taro pies and zippys will have to wait another year. pretty long letter today but gots to go now. take care and love you all

Elder Salakielu

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