Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Sun, October 3, 2010 a;ldjie
From: Reed Salakielu


Well hello. Good to hear from everyone again...even if it is only coming from extreme boredom or constant nagging and not from the heart....oh well what can ya do? So the big question on everyones mind. No we did not get to watch conference this week. We got to watch it LAST week!!!!...?...jk no we get to watch it next week. and the only reason it took like ten extra weeks last time was cause i was in albany and it took the stake forever to send the dvds to the branch and ya. but now since the stake center is just like down the street we get to watch it whenever everyone else in australia does...its kind of weird not being able to watch it from home. everyone has to go to a stake center and there is only an hour break in between sessions. so yeah looking forward to conference next week.


ok thats cause i don't feel like writing a lot but there can be a lot i can write about and then there is constant rereading over everyones email to make sure i covered everything and all this while i watch the stupid little counter on the timing box tick down.

I guess i'll start with today. a good ol nother pday planned. We got a good game of gridiron (american football) planned against this family in the zone leaders ward that is from hawaii, the Honda's. I think they were from somewhere by aiea, don't know where exactly or how long they've lived here but thats just what the zone leaders told me. But yeah they have like 4 boys and they play on a team here and the dads the coach so the zone leaders challenged them to a game so its our district, the zone leaders and the assistants against them and some of their friends.

Elder Oswald just told me that byu they a doing pretty terrible. i guess thats ok though since i wouldn't exactly want to miss a good season. So i guess technically we are co-seniors or i guess thats what they call it. We both came from being junior and ya.

also Dad don't worry about worrying about me worrying about sending stuff home. It was like Birthday alley and why not kill 4 birds (plus more) with one stone...and yes the coconut slabs are probably my favorite.

So i know i still have yet to tell the story of johan the psuedo murderer but thats gonna take like a whole emailing session...ok maybe not but it would take a while and i'm just not feeling up to it. We've been doing service for this lady who called the mission office for help and she is from egypt. she is pretty cool kind of lame but pretty cool. I'm still working out whether she just wants free help or...actually i guess thats what every always wants and then you have to ease them casually into wanting to learn more...but she is just not having any of it, which is pretty frustrating cause she is riddled with like arthiritis (or something) and lots of problems and trials in her life and everytime we try to talk to her about the discussions or the church or God she just changes the subject. I dunno, thats been something thats been pretty hard. You meet some pretty cool people but they just don't want to hear it (the gospel) or don't want to have anything to do with it....but they're like so cool and its like you just want to strangle them into accepting it and just be like "ok, this is only going to help your life...just do it..." unfortunately it doesn't work that way, agency's a crazy thing.

So meliss let me tell you a little story about something that happened about 2 weeks ago. so there is this burger place we go to sometimes. So we went there on pday one time and i ordered this red face funny nose 2 burger...why do you think its called that? CAUSE ITS THE HOTTEST THING ON THE PLANET!!! I ate half of it and wanted to DIE!!! it felt like i was swallowing razor blades. I wouldn't be surprised if i got cancer from this was that bad. I had to drink like 1.4 liters of milk just to stay alive...ok so this thing is messing me over like no other. We go home and i have to have a lie down and it just feels like my intestines are burning away. We have an appointment at 6:30 so when 6:20 rolls around we hop in the car and are on our way. I say wait a second whoa we can't do this we need to stop at a gas station so we do and i buy some antacid/indigestion tablets and i get in line to buy them and i can't wait so i open them up and down like 4 of them. no kidding, 30 seconds later i have to go to the bathroom so i get out of line and go to the bathroom and just unload this unholy burger that was infesting my bowels and it looks and feels like my intestines come out with it. so 30 min later i come out, see elder beck and he just starts laughing its now like 7:00 and we continue on our merry way to our appointment....the end.

well i wasn't really planning on telling that story but since you are having some morning sickness i thought i'd just give that a quick share. Pardon my language....but it freakin sucked.

Well on that note (sorry) I have to get going now. sorry if i didn't cover everything or whatnot but hope all is well and love you all.

Elder Salakielu

p.s. still waiting on wedding pics.

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