Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Sun, October 17, 2010 bleh
From: Reed Salakielu


ok wow this ward is so gay. i'm going to go crazy if i have to stay here another transfer. yesterday in ward council i got in this argument with this relief society presidency member (i dunno what she is) but she is just so freaking negative and just like tears everything down and had has no faith or hope in anybody changing or anything. she is just so negative. So i asked the ward council if there would be anyone good that could like consistently pick up this less active old lady every sunday and then take her home after sacrament and this relief society lady was like "oh no we can't do that. we're not a taxi service. I don't think thats fair that someone would have to do that" and just went off about how they shouldn't give this person a ride. i was just like wow there are some many things wrong with that and i just wanted to say a lot of bad things to her at that moment....i don't like this place.

also this last week started off great which is probably why it just ended terribly. We did catch up with the new investigators and two of them, this like 75 yr old couple who have been married for 51 years (merl and brian morris), we did service for and they are just like the coolest. We had to go over like 3 days in a row for 2 hrs each to finish weeding their backyard but they pretty much love us. They started calling us their boys and took good care of us. It was pretty cool to cause when we first tracted into them i knocked on the door and was like ok well what am i gonna say and was gonna say something about how the gospel can help us with our troubles in this life and how it can bless us and bring us happiness but when merl opened the door and i opened my mouth i was just like can we help your garden or yardwork and i don't even know why i said that but now i think i do....they're the best.

Also last week was a little different cause we were in a 3 way for a little bit. We had elder wallis with us and he is from our intke as well so we had 3 of us from the same intake it was pretty crazy. but the week ended bad cause we had a few disappointments with fake baptism referrals from members and investigators dropping us and yeah pretty much the same usual stuff.

anywho wow that scam phonecall to grandma sounds pretty crazy. like thats insane-o.

Jenn congratulations on the credits earned. that is sweet. movin on up in life. awesome goal of staying away from facebook...even if that means you can't blast people to smithereens with your bejewelled score. oh well maybe when meliss gets super prego and has nothing else to do but sit on her what will be fat butt by then all day long and camp facebook.

Mels i was so confused about football and footy and aussie rules and rugby and all that crazy stuff when i first got here and still didn't get it for like the first six months. So basically they call american football gridiron. they have there own sport here they call football or AFL which they also call footy for short or aussie rules. Its kind of weird and takes getting used to and i can't be bothered explaining it all, but basically it is like soccer with your hands and you play with pretty much (not exactly though) a rugby ball and you score by kicking it through posts. and since they have their own football they call soccer, soccer as well. And for rugby there is rugby league or rugby union which obviously have their differences but yeah. So Western Australia is pretty much in love with footy and has like footy posts in every park but hardly any rugby posts. so thats that. anywho good to know that i'm not the only one missing out on things back home haha jk. things are gonna be crazy different when i get home...everyone is going to well accomplished successful responsible adults compared to the floating nothingness of when i left...semi jk....(shifty eyes to jenn)...full jk. but i dunno what i'm gonna do when i get home..meaning i do know what i'm going to do...but i'll never tell. i've given it some thought and think i know what i'm gonna do still haven't figured out the definite timeline though.

Well another long email today, just about out of time. Thanks for writing everybody and i couldn't think of anything else for christmas yet but i'll keep brainstorming, can't be anything to important if i can't think of it, except oh wait i just thought of it. Maybe you could send the three core ingredients of graham crackers, nestle chocolate, and marshmellows. i guess one of each pack would do it. cause we tried to make smores with this one couple in the ward with aussie ingredients and they just didn't even compare. they don't really have graham crackers and their marshmellows are flavoured and the chocolate is different. so there is that. and maybe even a packet of smores poptarts as well. i dunno once again i'd say that the poptarts are the highest priority, but a good mix as well. Well i guess thats all for now. Take care and love and miss you all.

Elder Salakielu

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