Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I gave Sis. Tata your email but i guess someone was talking to her on my facebook which i guess was jenn so i guess thats how that happened. Also the Tata's are an awesome family, as well as sis. Tata's well as this whole ward. everyone is just so awesome. It reminds me a lot of the ward in hawaii and there are just so many people that i think you's all would get along with very well. Especially the family we're teaching, adam and ana wairepo i can see the girls being best friends with ana and their 5 kids. they are just the best family ever i'll have to send a picture. also i can never remember what i've said before, so did i tell you that adam has a baptismal date for the 13th of february. and ana will probably have to get baptized as well, they can't find her records from over in sydney.
Well thats sad about the puppy...foolish foolish jk. anyone could have seen that coming from what i'd say as quite a few miles away. maybe when she moves out oh say in the next 10 years she can have a puppy. but maybe it will be sooner than that since she will soon be the only one left at home...besides mom...who usually not there anyways...oh haha and roger i forgot about him still being there (sorry roger if you read this).
So elder leota is from New Zealand (Aucklandish),but his family lives in brisbane now. He is a pretty big fella, but he is also a giant marshmellow. except for when little girls stick gum on his shirt (and on my pants and wipes her dirty chocolate grubby mitts on my white shirt)..just kidding we didn't care. but really that little girl, chloe, is pretty off the wall crazy shes an investigators granddaughter (mary's granddaugter did i tell you about her, she had the baptismal date for 2 days ago but never came to church so its been moved) anyways the good news is that they came to church yesterday.
I remember dad showing me a pretty big lizard/chameleon one time just this last summer and i was thinking about keeping it but let it go instead. but haha Cecil thats a pretty sweet name, i don't know about bernard though i hope its not tainting to the bernard family name.
Well i have a really big favor to ask. I was wondering and hoping that maybe you could gather together some like lessons i object lessons/family home evening lessons/home and visiting teaching lessons/ fun and creative little thoughts and ideas. and maybe even some ideas of how to thank members for when they help a lot. sometimes its the same members who help with over and over again with lessons and fellowshipping and stuff...and just for being the Tata's (you know they fed us 4 times in like a 10 day period) But so yeah just something to keep your eyes open for and to think about. Like there's already a bunch of ideas and stuff that go around and throughout the mission but more never hurts.
Well this is some pretty hard work and had one of the hardest days so far this last week but the Lord helped me through it and I know he wouldn't have me any other place even at my sisters wedding so i guess i'll have another brother when i get back. Well congratulations Meliss (despite my other email). I'm happy and glad for you and i have 5 min lefts so i better finish up. I Love and miss you all and will talk to you next week.

Elder Salakielu

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