Perth Australia Mission

Monday, January 11, 2010

well it is pday again but its 5:00 pm here and we didn't get to email earlier cause it is transfers so transfers are every 6 weeks, so i made it through my first transfer. Anywho i stayed and my trainor left so we were busy doing other stuff and exchanging companions at the transfer meeting. my new companion is elder leota and he is pretty cool, he's half samoan and half maori. its wierd though cause the two other companionships in our district had transfers as well and only one of the elders has been out for more than a year, and this is actually his last transfer. and that elder actually gave me his bike because his area is country (its like 4 hours north, the city is geraldton) but they have a car up there so he let me have his bike.
The no sugar thing has ended thank goodness and it is the end of the 7 day quit smoking program today so we are going to have a little party tonight at the ward mission leaders house for the 3 people that were participating. 2 of them were members and 1 isn't but is a new investigator for us now.
Oh well if no letters have come. I've written a few and will be sending them all together within this next week or so. I got Christmas letters on friday from a few people in the ward and dad's christmas card. i also get a letter from mason telling me he is going to the Hong Kong China mission. That is pretty sweet Dallin is going to Romania. I wouldn't mind going there and learning another language. I guess it will probably get pretty cold there...i dunno. And Lupe as well, I had no idea she was going to go on a mission, and to new zealand too that is awesome.
Well new years eve and new years sounded pretty fun...and lazy. but i forgot to say there's heaps of fireworks in the bottom right drawer of my dresser...i guess its too late now. Good to hear the cowboys and byu won. also why didn't mele go skiing/boarding with dad...thats a darn shame.
well today was kinda of busy and crazy cause of transfers and so we haven't had as much time and we haven't even been grocery shopping yet and we only have half an hour on the computers cause the library closes soon and so we'll go shopping tomorrow and maybe stop by here again for another half an hour but we'll see. I love you all and talk to you soon.also we sent another baptismal date.Elder Salakielu

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