Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Well pday again. We had service at 6:30 a.m. though with the elders from the other ward. We went and helped this guy move a pile of sand from his backyard. We had to shovel it into a wheelbarrow and then put it in a trailer and go dump it out in the boonies and we did like 4 trailer loads. Now we are emailing.

So...what is a miser? I don't know what that is. But I haven't taken any money out cause i haven't really needed to, although i have lost weight which is probably from not eating enough, although there is enough food, and biking around. My pants are a bit big now and sometimes the belt has to go pretty tight and so the pants and kind of just wrinkle in around the waist..ya know what i mean, but good think i kept that kind of small belt. I may be taking some money out soonish though possibly...did i tell you i got a parking ticket a week or two ago? 100 bucks for parking facing the wrong way!!! Our ward mission leader said that like in the 80's or something the city council took a vote and people voted that cops can't give tickets or something i didn't really understand what he was saying but the point is that he said i could probably get out of it somehow. So he sent a letter to try and fight it i guess, he also mentioned that i was american and that i was confused and ignorant...jk about the confused and ignorant part. But it actually was pretty stupid on my part, i knew i shouldn't have done it and was debating it in my head at the time but i ended up just going with it and failed...but learned a very valuable lesson. So yeah might have to take some money out for that. Also I really wish i would have brought my other shoes are way expensive here for some stupid reason, and i'll probably need another pair done the road some time. My church shoes are great though and not having any comfort issues or anything with them (knock on wood).

So my blog is alive and hip hoppin along. Don't think i'm that interesting, but sweet. I guess if my emails are going in it i better start writing better emails, and not mention breaking the law in them. I still have yet to send you guys any pictures, sorry. I guess there's not that many and i keep forgetting to bring my camera/sd card. But one day.

So last week was a pretty good week, except that mary didn't come to church. Like she has a crazy strong testimony and wants to get baptized but her two grandchildren are a handful and she is always busy taking care of the next time she comes to church she'll probably be baptized the next saturday. Adam and Ana are good...adam is still the man...he tried to give us $50 but he got very denied. We still need to teach him one more lesson but Ana is in brisbane for the time being and we are going to wait for her to get back. but yeah so he has come to church every sunday since we first visited them. And he is already talking about how and when to bare his testimony, and he wants to have a hangi (don't know how to spell it but it is like a maori barbecue i guess with a special barbecue thing that cooks the know anything about that dad?) after his baptism, and they've been having family home evening, and its amazing how much he loves the gospel after such a short time. Also Ana might have to get baptized again cause they can't find her records and she has been less active for like 13 years. but so adam's baptism is on the 13th and so they want to get sealed in the temple on valentines day next year, that'd be pretty cool. Oh and we went to a baptism with matt, adams brother-in-law, that our zone leaders had at the stake center so that was pretty cool. I reckon he'll get baptized too (knock on wood) because he lives with matt and ana and has been coming to church with them every week as well. other than that everyone else has kind of stayed the same or aren't progressing, so i guess we need to work harder.

Also i mentioned awhile back about the parata's and how they are cousins to the taurima's and i met another one, jarom parata. and i guess he met jenn at pcc. Like he went with his family to hawaii and utah and stuff and so while they were at pcc their mom was like "oh so you're dating paxman" to jenn and so yeah, i guess jenn never really said anything back to me when i last talked about the parata's...thanks jenn. or maybe she did say something and i just didn't catch it.

We don't have much going on this week except for zone conference, or so i think...i'm sure the Lord has a lot planned for us this week as he probably does the next two years. But I guess we'll find out next week. Well love and miss you all.

Elder Salakielu

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