Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Sun, September 19, 2010 5:46:31
From: Reed Salakielu


Ok well it is the start of a new transfer today. Transfer calls were on saturday night as usual and Elder Beck is getting transferred and i'm staying right here in good ol dianella

So we ran our 2/3 triathalon this morning. Biked the 20km's and ran the 5km's in about 90 min. it was pretty good. oh and 1 kilometer is 0.6 miles the way i remember though is pretty much 5km's is 3 miles. So the training leading up to this triathalon with all the morning exercise and all you would think i would have lost some weight...which i kind of did but not very much. So we did not have sisters playing frisbee with us. We have sisters in the zone but when we play on mondays its just the district usually, and then for the tournament it was cause of the leadership meetings so none of the sisters came to that so was good fun though, just like old times. Oh yeah and then our post season barbecue was way good. we barbacued chicken, steaks, sausages, and lamb. I probably already said this but Aussies sure do love their lamb which i still think i don't like...but they love it.

Yesterday was stake conference and Elder/President Arden(?) not sure what his exact title is (at least elder though i guess) but yeah he was presiding and it was a pretty good stake conference. There was a talk about taking an offensive against satan instead of defensive which is usually what you think about when resisting and avoind temptation is defense but offense is the best defense was the jist of that talk. Then the stake president, who looks exactly like kramer from seinfield, talked about being spontaneous. Bearing spontaneous testimony, lessons from life, expressions of love, acts of kindness and service, personal and family prayer, gratitude and thanks, and acts of happiness. something he really said about bearing testimony i really liked, in particular to nonmembers is that if all they hear from us is scripted, prepared, thought out testimony how are they ever going to know that it is part of our very being. which is what a testimony should be. Elder Arden talked about navigation and gps's and how to return home:
1. the book of mormon 2. be more sincerely prayful 3. attendance at meetings 4. sacrament 5. seek counsel. Man that was a pretty good meeting. I know because of how fast it went by. Elder Arden was the last to speak and he had like 30-35 min to go and i was like "I might die!!!" but then i didn't. nah but really i know it was a good meeting because of the spirit. Oh also i remember the last bullet point that i forgot last week from those crazy meetings, it was we teach people not lessons...i'm sure you were all dying to know.

So that is pretty cool that dad's new mechanic is taking the lessons. there is almost nothing that can compare to seeing someone convert to the gospel. like its pretty amazing and just to see people change their lives and beliefs is pretty crazy. Thats maybe one good thing (maybe bad) about australia, is that most members are converts and it is always good to hear their conversion stories.

Well the time is near spent. and i've been standing up for half the time cause the library was full and only the standing up computers were left so i took one of those for a little bit. anywho sorry i didn't really respond to anyones emails like any of the girls, i guess i did answer some questions. also this is a new record, had an email from every single person, except for randy that it...good on you guys. thank you. also yes meliss, i guess you're coming out of impregnito you think you would've been quicker to send that news out instead of waiting a week...whatevs. Well take care and love you all.

Elder Salakielu

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