Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, September 5, 2010

To everyone I guess

Sun, September 5, 2010 5:39:15 PM
to everyone i guess
Reed Salakielu

Well hello everyone i guess. Pday again. we played ultimate frisbee for morning exercise this morning. We usually do that every pday for morning exercise. We have our district which there are 3 companionships and then the zone leaders and assistants to the president come so we usually have a good game of 5 on 5. This week is going to be even better though cause there are these crazy leadership meetings that go for 6 hours everyday tues-fri ( I don't know who thought that was a good idea but i guess its to give training on the new teaching/approach i mentioned last week) anywho so all the leaders in the mission are coming from wherever to stay for the week and we are going to have a frisbee tournament and play for morning exercise. It should be pretty fun.

As for your question dad, about elder Hamula i thought he was polynesian as well but i don't think he is. i think he is of german descent or something. He's from arizona though and lives in New Zealand. Also it was Father's day yesterday so if i didn't say happy fathers day last time its cause it wasn't really fathers day yet...for me FATHERS DAY.

Mele sounds like school is lame as usual. I guess whatever works though. You and Jenn can be study buddies and fail together...not the Adelaide mission is pretty far away but is still the next closest mission to perth. I have a friend there, i think, Eston Stowers....yeah...i also dunno what i'm gonna do when i get back home...probably go back to school.

Well this past week was pretty good. We did the quit smoking program with this less active guy who just got out of jail and wants to get his life in order. He finished yesterday and didn't smoke all week. Tonight we have a dinner with him and a member family who fellowshipped him...going to Hungry Jacks aka Burger King. and then we have another dinner appointment with a filipino guy who is less active but has fed the missionaries every monday for 3 years....bro. Pipit he's pretty cool. So yesterday we had this guy who we haven't talked to forever cause he doesn't answer our calls and doesn't call us cause he works a lot come to church so that was good. Like he pretty much believes everything he's been taught but is just sooo busy. Also we suspect we are teaching a murderer....its a pretty long story so maybe i'll save it for another time, but all the evidence adds up and it points to him having stabbed and murdered someone...yeah...his name is johan...he's pretty cool minus the fact he may have killed a man, but still thats only a slight suspicion Elder Beck and I have.

So what song or music did that card play that the girls sent? and yes the same ol candy but same ole good candy and no i didn't eat it all by myself...nor did elder beck. We are training for a triathalon minus the swimming part. Mostly cause we want to and cause he doesn't want to go home fat. he has about 4 months left so when we aren't playing frisbee for morning exercise we run like 5 km' thats been fun.

Well time is almost up so adios i you all.

Elder Salakielu

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