Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Sun, September 12, 2010 5:25:39 PM ok From: Reed Salakielu

Ok well todays email is going to be a bit rushed. We have to hurry and email and then go shopping cause we are having a barbacue with like 10 other missionaries. It is our Frizzlies post season barbacue, or thats what we're calling it. That was our team name, the FRIZZLIES. That is a whole nother story in itself but i guess i have no choice but to tell it. I guess i'll start with the part where we lost the tournament. It was best 2 out of 3. The other team were the turtles. so the turtles won the first game we won the second and then the 3rd game was a real show. it was first to 11 win by 2 and the score ended 14-12....lame but it was way fun. So there was this argument going on throughout the whole mission of what animals would win a fight. people were picking wolves, gorillas, lions, grizzly bears, and so one of the assistants on our team was a grizzly bear and so we named our team the frizzlies. Also that same missionary is going home this friday. so its also a farewell barbacue to him, elder hussey. He went to bingham. and he was kinda our team captain. and then the captain of the other team was a zone leader and he's way into the ninja turtles so there team was the turtles. Man all last week was just full of epicness...there is just too much to explain. and no jenn it wasn't nerdy...maybe a little. but it was pretty sweet... ...Except for the six hour training meetings that happened after frisbee everyday last that was some insane-o business. ok i lied it was pretty sweet. but only cause it was so intense and inspired and directed by the spirit. Like you can just tell it came straight from the first presidency and the brethren. we learned about pretty much teaching simplified curriculum.
we focused on about 8 main points:
1. teaching doctrine
2. teaching by the spirit and asking inspired questions.(elder hamula said that teaching wasn't talking, butasking inspired questions and responded with doctrine) Receiving revelation through:
3. prayer
4. the book of mormon
5. sacrament meeting attendance
6.We invite, they commit, we follow up
7. and how to begin teaching
there is supposed to be one more somewhere in there between 5 and 6 i think....guess that shows how much i payed attention....but no really i have the paper and notes on my desk and it was really good training...super long and super draining but it was good. that was pretty much most of last week. I'd tell you more about johan but don't have enough time. i wish i could respond more to your emails....i guess jenn no more of these breaks that you would probably say only last like 5 min but we all know what happens when facebook is involved....well whatever everything sounds good at yeah...haven't heard anything from meliss...she must be inpregnito (lol see what i did there). ok well thats it from me. love you all. Elder Salakielu.

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