Perth Australia Mission

Monday, March 1, 2010

AHHH DANGIT! I just remembered that I was planning on saying happy birthday to jenn and technically it would have still been her birthday if we had emailed yesterday but it was a public holiday yesterday so our pday changed to today (tues). And now its not jenn's birthday anywhere in the world...So happy late birthday Jenn! Also next week is temple week so we won't be emailing until wed.

Good to hear that the internet is still junk...jk, was it a problem that the snow caused? Anywho there was a tsunami warning on the east coast for like sydney and melbourne but not for here at perth. I don't think there was even a small tsunami wave that ended up hitting. Its good to hear that Hawaii is okay.

Well not much has happened this week. the first week of this transfer is over. There were 8 new missionaries who came in, only 2 of them are from the U.S. the others are Aussies. 2 of those newbs are in our district...I'm finally not the newb anymore. So the new elder that is in the other ward is Elder Campbell, which is funny cause the elder he replaced was Elder Campbell. But he is from Ogden Utah and we pretty much don't know any of the same people. The other new Elder is up in geraldton and he is from melbourne and he is just a crackup, but a really good missionary...and he looks like luke wilson....oh and he is engaged, we'll see how long that lasts.

about shoes, the ones i told you to put in my room, the black and gray plaid circas...those were the ones i was talking about, if there is room go ahead and send them if not don't worry about it. But like those shoes here would probably cost like $119. the pricing on stuff here is the exchange rate doesn't even compensate for it, it doesn't really make sense, but then again i'm no economist so maybe it does...i hope it does.

Well the photos still haven't finished uploading and I only have a few minutes left, i guess some of them will have uploaded. But not much else is going on. We are going to Yanchep national park again for elder campbell and doing some shopping after this so love you all, and take care.

Elder Salakielu

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