Perth Australia Mission

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

haha lolz


So yes it is wed. here and i got you're emails and dad sent me an email and he was thinking that i was going to be emailing on mon. and was hoping i'd get it on time. As for pictures, when i try uploading them i try 12 at a time and yeah it took the whole time last time and didn't finish...and i forgot my camera usb cable today so i will just try and get sis tata to do it or someone else. Also tell meliss that if she wants to read my emails she has to send me some first...jk...but seriously. also tell jenn and mele they're lame because they're lame and i wouldn't mind another email from teki.
OH MAN! I almost forgot to thank you for the package i got last thursday with the candy and stickers and jersey. thank you thank you thank you...and thank you. Elder Leota really likes reese's as well and its funny cause he says it like ree-sees instead of like reesis.. and i asked him if he's ever had resee's cereal and he's like "why am i only hearing about this now" so he is also grateful.
I got a letter from grandma and grandpa and from bro. and sis. egan as well, and those were nice. i'll probably be sending more letters home in about 2 weeks and there might be quite a few. Hopefully there will be some mail when we get to the temple.
Yesterday was a really good day. We had an appointment with this lady, Kathy, who has been meeting with the missionaries weekly since like august/september. she was catholic growing up and then went pentecostal and then was interested in jehovah witness (reminded me of a funny story which i will tell after) for a little bit and is now looking into the true church. she didn't used to read the book of mormon alot but now she reads it lot and loves it. for a while we weren't making much progress with her but the last few weeks have been especially good. she opens up a lot more to us now and tells us more. she hasn't been to church yet cause she wants to finish the book of mormon before she goes. i think she will be coming to church on easter sunday which would be really good. I have pretty high hopes for her and hope she accepts the gospel.
After that appointment we went to a former investigators house who is from kenya and her name in Nyibol. She seems kind of interested but she had a friend over and her friend was really interested and gave us her address and phone number and told us to visit her. Unfortunately she lives in the other elders area, but i guess that doesn't matter, whats important is that she learns and feels the spirit and comes unto christ no matter who helps.
So the jehovah witness story. So yesterday morning while we're studying we get this loud knock. I open the door and there is this elderly couple. I look at them and they look at me and then i see them look at my badge and then they look like they see a ghost or something and they like legitimately look scared like i could see the fear in their eyeballs and it seemed like they wanted to run away screaming or something. So there is this awkward silence for like 5 seconds and then they ask how the preaching is going and i say same old same old and then they were just like ok see ya later. so it was pretty funny, thats the second time Jehovah Witnesses knocked on our door, the other time was on christmas eve. They're pretty funny but they ruin a lot of things. They don't like mormons, especially missionaries, and don't even try to talk to us or take any of our stuff...probably cause they're wrong...i dunno.
Well i hope all is well at home and that everyone is ok and pray that heavenly father watches over all of us especially when we are all spread out (hawaii, california, utah, DC) and I will talk to you all in 4 days. Love you all.
Elder Salakielu

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