Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, March 21, 2010

IT FINALLY RAINED! too bad it was only for like an hour last night. But it was raining pretty hard and the thunder was deafening and the lightning blinding. Which i like all three of those so that was pretty cool. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Well yesterday was pretty good. the most exciting thing was that Kathy came to church yesterday. Its all coming together...hopefully...knock on wood. And we will have another lesson with her on Wed. We also dropped off a Lamb of God dvd that someone had ordered from the tv commercial and it was an 18 yr old kid/guy/man (its funny cause i saw in this newspaper once where someone got hit by a car and it said that an 18 yr old man was hit by a car.) and we'll be following up with him this week and see what he thought. I actually fasted for him and Russel the other referral. and we taught Russel the 1st lesson but he is catholic and was more interested in learning more about our church instead of know if it was the true church...and thats what happens a lot of the time, people are just interested in learning about what we believe instead of wanting to know if it is true. that is the hardest thing, finding people who are actually looking for answers, looking for that something. Cause if they aren't looking or wanting to know how are they going to find it, or why is the Lord going to give them that witness. Anywho, the work must go on.

I do have more photos although i don't take many and haven't taken any new ones in a while but its a matter of uploading them and stuff so i guess i'll keep uploading a bit at a time every time a come to the library. I forgot the name of the rabbit but there are two and the other ones name is shadow but they are a member's rabbits and we were helping them clean out the cages because its a couple and 2 young kids and the mom is like a super prego, she is actually due this wed. and the dad actually got the melchizedek priesthood yesterday...they were baptized some 9ish months ago. but lil rabbits. and then neptune head is actually poseidon (its ok its a very common misconception..jk) but yeah its just some giant statue in the middle of some abandoned field that used to be like a nice park with like gardens and stuff but now its just all abandoned and broken down and all the plants are just like are either dead or weeds.

The diet is going alright...lame, but alright. and like my pants did go looser and then a meal roster got passed around in relief society and we had dinner with members for like 2 and a half weeks in a row and i never at so much dessert in my life, but since then things have kind of leveled out.

So you guys went to the cemetery thats good. I'm glad someone could actually find grandpa Siaosi's grave. I remember me and jenn and meliss went and we couldn't find it, or maybe that was Laipeli's grave...either way i would like to go their after the mission and see them.

Well it was good to how things are at home...thanks MOM and thanks DAD and thanks JENN...jk. really though good to hear from you jenn. sorry i can't write more but i have 5 minutos left. but your email cracked me up and it was really funny. and i hadn't heard from conner that he got his call...that little punk, i've been expecting a letter from him. also you should enjoy the rainy weather, its the best.

anywho thanks for writing and i hope all is well and i love you all.

Elder Salakielu

P.S. i was talking about my usb memory stick that should be somewhere on my dresser. i either mentioned on the phone at christmas or in an email but yeah that would be nice to have for pictures and also could you do me a big favor and try and request/order my priesthood line of authority. thanks bye, love you.

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