Perth Australia Mission

Sunday, March 14, 2010


hello family. I am writing this drenched in sweat and that is because we don't have the car becuase the other elders had to go to the mission office for a leadership meeting and so we biked to the library and wanted to get her as it opened so we would have our full hour cause the time to use computers are on half an hour increments so we were kind of late and i'm sure you could care less but thats the story. Also i did get the corn nuts.

It is good to hear that you are gluttoning least someone is. Me and elder Leota are on a diet. Ya see when we went to the temple on wednesday my white pants felt slightly tighter and elder leota could barely fit his, so we are on a diet. also we have been going to adams to work out cause he has a little gym set in his garage. Speaking of adam i finally put up some pictures of them and don't they just look like an awesome family. I also put up some pics of Mary, and her daughter Kate, and her granddaughter Chloe. I also got the 4 wheeling pics and other wholesome recreational pday activities. I didn't know there was a difference between the new album i made and the reeds mission album and so i when i first starting putting pictures on i put about 10-15 in the reeds mission album. also good call on trying only to upload 1 or 2 at a time, that works much better, i was trying like 12 at a time.

The weather here has been hot which is lame cause summer has been over for a couple of weeks now. there was a week not to long ago where it was just crazy hot like it was bad and it was like that for 3-4 days in a row. Its starting to cool down though and it is a bit cloudy today.

So yesterday was stake conference with Elder Neilson of the seventy and he was here in january with Elder Cook. Before that on saturday we had a missionary meeting with him and he gave some really good training. We also had to study 1 Nephi 11-14 which a good bit about that was him teaching us about the revelatory process and the steps we need to take to receive revelation and the example was nephi and how he wanted to see what his father did and know what it meant so he sat pondering. so here it is the revelatory process:
1. What desirest thou? - inspired inquiry
2. alma 17:2-3 and D&C 138: 1
search and ponder the scriptures
3. what beholdest thou?
and that is the great secret of the prophets that elder neilson said we weren't supposed to tell anyone about.

We still haven't really found anyone new to teach, at least consistently, but in stake conference elder neilson talked about member missionary work and so maybe that will help.

I feel like there was something else i wanted to say but i can't remember it, i'm sure it wasn't anything to great or exciting.....except for the fact that the Christ came to the earth and atoned for all of our sins making it possible to receive eternal life...but all of you already know that. Well take care and i love you all.

Elder Salakielu

p.s. you don't have to send reese's cereal, but if you do could you include a pair or two of black socks of mine and they are like ankle socks, they should be in the right middle drawer, that is if the girls haven't scavenged them, but they might seem small but those are the ones. also were you able to find my usb i mentioned awhile back? If yes, then you can include that as well. take care, love you.

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