Perth Australia Mission

Monday, March 29, 2010


So remember my email from last week and i was all like "YEAH IT FINALLY RAINED!!! YEAH!" and it was just like a pretty average storm that had happened the night before. But then later that exact same day...that exact same exactly one week ago from this exact day there was another storm and it was SUHHWEEEEET! They are actually classifying it as a natural disaster. I don't think where we got hit could be called exactly a natural disaster but other areas of Perth got hammered. The part of the storm that got us still hit pretty hard though. So that morning while we were emailing it was pretty sunny with some clouds in the sky but i was pretty sad cause the storm from the night before had passed. So later on in the day we were at a members house and they had some windows open and the wind just starts blowing like crazy out of nowhere and then starts raining like crazy and its all dark and cloudy and there was only like 5 feet of visibility and then it starts haling golf ball sized hale and it was awesome. That bit only lasted for about 10 minutes but then for the rest of the day in our area it was just on and off raining and lightning for the rest of the day and night. There was quite a bit of broken trees and branches and streets were flooded. One of the universities here in WA, the library got flooded and an apartment complex had a mudslide hit it and fill it with mud and a whole bunch of cars just look like golf balls now cause they have all these dents in them from the hale. Anywho it was pretty sweet, i was hoping for more...still kind of am, but we'll see. Oh and i uploaded some pictures of the storm...not really of the storm but the clouds after the storm, it doesn't really do the storm justice though.

I've been meaning to write something to Dallin but i guess its too late now, thats pretty cool he's in the mtc now.
umm jenn you lame-o think you can just write me once and then take a break!?!...cause you can, but before you do that ask conner what day he goes into the mtc and report back. That little punk wrote me and told me where he was going but didn't tell me when...moron..jk.

Meliss thanks for writing and for delivering that stuff to conners, thats pretty funny about his mom, that made me lol, she's cool though and she herself is very nice. Also you come up with pretty lame excuses not to write me because although you remember to write to me in the afternoon it is indeed not too late, you can send stuff up to 7ish o'clock p.m., but i'll for sure get it if it is before no lame excuses is the moral of the story. Also i'm glad teki enjoyed them biscuits...thats what they call cookies here. tell him that he is lame as usual...jk he's cool. what does sound lame are the wedding plans...or at least the stress that come with them. but i'm sure it will be amazing just like you're ring which i won't see for another 20ish months...cause i don't check facebook...(shifty eyes) really i don't....

Mele...who cares about you

and I will talk to yous all in a week, also transfers next week and i'll probably maybe be going somewhere new but we'll see and until then i hope you guys travel safely and take care and i love you all, yes you too mele i was jking above. love you bye.

Elder Salakielu

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